Farhaad Nero


Enterprise Security Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi

CISOs – Maintaining the Vision

Posted on: 16 Mar 2015

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision – Helen Keller According to a newly released report, 54% of security professionals said they were under…

10 Steps Towards an Information Security Program for Newly Established Companies

Posted on: 19 Jan 2015

It’s not a matter of if your company will be breached but when and for newly established companies or startups the when may be sooner rather than later. Startups are…

Take the Test: Are You Ready to Tame Your Vendor Security Risk Monster?

Posted on: 13 Nov 2014

How do you measure how mature your vendor security risk assessment program is? How do you measure your ability to lead or develop such a program? Would it be safe…

Self-Test: Are You a True Information Security Leader

Posted on: 16 Oct 2014

It is more important than ever to safeguard your business. As the drumbeat of news about breaches continues, the stakes have never been greater. You must stay a step ahead…