Mark Rasch

Cyber Law Editor

Security Current

A Tale of Two Servers: Hillary, Ivanka and the Real Lessons from “Servergate(s)”

Posted on: 20 Nov 2018

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Currently, the chattering class is in a titter about the fact that Special Advisor to the President of…

All’s Fair in Love and Cyberwar

Posted on: 07 Nov 2018

Von Clausewitz said that war is diplomacy by other means. If that’s true, then litigation — particularly divorce and custody litigation is war by other means.  And in war, there…

Privacy is Dead. Long Live Privacy

Posted on: 29 Jun 2018

Former Oracle CEO Larry Ellison once famously said, “Privacy is Dead.” However, privacy had been resurrected and killed more times than a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a Spielberg sequel. A recent…

Till Hacks Do Us Part

Posted on: 15 Mar 2018

As a former prosecutor and defense counsel, I was often asked how I could handle dealing with criminals.  I explained that the difference between criminal law and family law was that…

It’s 10 PM. Do You Know Where Your Data Is? By Mark Rasch

Posted on: 27 Feb 2018

This morning, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument on a case that could decide the fate of the Cloud, the Internet, and the fate of the free world.…

Worst Responders

Posted on: 02 Jan 2018

Some years ago, I attended a training program sponsored by the United States Secret Service which was training cyber first responders such as state and local police departments, sheriff’s offices,…

When Disclosing a Data Breach is the Wrong Thing to Do

Posted on: 27 Dec 2017

Inevitably, after a major data breach, when a company disclosed the fact of the breach, security professionals question the timing of the disclosure. “Why did you wait so long to make…

iPhone X Facial Recognition – Human Emojis

Posted on: 21 Dec 2017

I really want an iPhone X. It has lots of cool features: a headphone jack (oops), edge to edge display (well, almost edge to edge), and the ability to create anthropomorphic…

Cell Phone Access at Issue in Texas Church Shooting Case

Posted on: 19 Dec 2017

In the wake of the horrific shooting at a Texas church in November, law enforcement officials are attempting to obtain access to the contents of the suspect’s cell phone, according…

Email Privacy “In Transition”

Posted on: 19 Dec 2017

A recent kerfuffle between the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP) Robert Mueller and lawyers representing the Presidential Transition Team (PTT) arose out of Mueller’s reported acquisition of the emails of…